We welcome the NVTHS Class of 2024 to our school. Freshmen Orientation begins today!
Freshmen Orientation 2020! Weather looks warm, dress comfortably/wear sunscreen. Students are encouraged to bring a backpack (the blue one we provided is fine) for books and/or Chromebook pickup. We will have opportunities for hand washing and plenty of hand sanitizer!
Freshman Orientation Lunch will be served 11:05-11:25 on September 8 and September 9.
The menu will consist of French Bread Pizza, chips, a cookie, and juice. Nutritional information can be found in our "Documents" section under Orientation Information.
2020-2021 Bus Routes Updated:
Have a digital camera but need help learning its functions? Take VIRTUAL Digital Photography for Beginners -- Weds. 6:00-8:30PM Sept 9-30 Online registration (Community Ed/NCTI): https://unipaygold.unibank.com/CustomerInfo.aspx?Customerid=885
Grab and Go Lunch Program The following are the dates for the continuation of the Grab and Go Meals until September 15: Pick up date August 31st (3 breakfast and 3 lunches) Pick up date September 3rd (5 breakfast and 5 lunches) Pick up date September 8th (2 breakfast and 2 lunches) Pick up date September 10th (4 breakfast and 4 lunches) Pick up date September 14th (2 breakfast and 2 lunches)
Class of 2024 welcome bag delivery started today. Be on the lookout for Mr. Nardi-Williams or another NT staff member early next week. Coming to a town near you!
For those looking for further clarification and what to expect next for athletics.
✏️Await sport-specific modification from MIAA
✏️Make league decisions re. offerings & scheduling
✏️Make local decisions that are safe & best for our entire community
This will happen over the next couple of weeks. Thank you for your patience.
Nashoba Valley Technical High School Parking Permit Pickup date will be Tuesday, August 25, 2020 from the hours of 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Parking Applications are available on our website at www.nashobatech.net under the documents section It is requested that your parking application and a copy of your license and registration be emailed to Mrs. Johnson at pjohnson@nashobatech.net before you come to the school to pick up your sticker. If you do not have the ability to forward your parking application ahead of time, an application will be provided to you.
Student are to drive to the Culinary Lot located on the right side of the building by the football fields. Student are to remain in their cars and wear a mask at all times. Confirmation of receipt of your parking information will the confirmed and students will then be instructed to drive around to the Performing Arts Parking Lot to pick up your sticker. Again students are to remain in their cars and wear a mask at a all times.
Good evening NT Community,
We know you are all anxiously waiting for updates related to school sports. Today, we receive updated guidelines for youth sports (which includes K-12) from the Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs (EEA), but are still awaiting accompanying guidelines from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and the MIAA. Upon receipt of the additional guidelines from DESE, which is expected early next week, the Board of Directors from the MIAA will convene no later than three business days after the release. We will share any updates and information related to athletics as soon as it becomes available. The safety, health, and well-being of our students continue to be our focus during these unprecedented times. Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate these conditions together.
James Creed
Director of Athletics
Nashoba Valley Technical High School
What do you think
Dear Nashoba Tech Community,
Today the MIAA Board of Directors passed the guidance measures recommended by the EEA and DESE. This created a new 4 season athletic plan for the 2020 2021 school year. This is the second step in the return of athletics and there are still several more steps to be completed before we do return to sports. Please look here and/or on the school website for further information as it becomes available in the coming days. I thank you for your patience and urge everyone to continue safe and healthy practices so we can have athletics this year.
Thank you,
James Creed
A reminder: Our Incoming Student Summer Series will continue this Wednesday evening, August 19th, from 5 - 6 p.m.
Dear NT Community,
Please see below links for an update on fall reopening in the hybrid model.
Superintendent's Update 8/14/20
Nashoba Tech’s Comprehensive Reopening Plan
Thank you again for your support as we work through details of school reopening.
Nashoba Tech’s unique Engineering Academy is a program that guides students into the leading edge of a high-tech future. The Engineering Academy @NashobaTech includes: Robotics and Automation, and Engineering Technology. Learn more!
We are accepting nominations for the Nashoba Tech 2020 Athletic Hall of Fame. To learn more about the nomination qualifications go to https://conta.cc/2Dnxbv3
Sport News!!
The @MIAA033 Board of Directors vote unanimously that Fall sports (those approved for participation by DESE, EEA & local school district) will start no earlier than 9/14/2020 w/preseason tryouts/practices.
Additional guidance from DESE & EEA available by early Aug!
Thank you to all who attended our virtual Summer Series for registered students this past Wednesday. Attached is the link to the power point presentation from this first session. We hope to "see" everyone at the August 12th virtual event! Twitter users should see our Live feed for the presentation.
Updated Dates for Incoming Student Summer Series. All dates are Wednesday evenings!
If you have a child attending Nashoba Tech next year, please fill out the brief, attached survey to help us best prepare for back to school in the fall. Thank you. https://forms.gle/Gjanba59XxMyBCp58
Reminder for Grab and Go Meals - Please place order up until 9pm tonight for Thursday pick up Nashoba Tech provides nutritionally balanced meals at NO COST to all area children and young adults, aged 21 and under, through the National School Lunch Program’s (NSLP) Seamless Summer Option. The meals are available regardless of residence and recipients are not required to live in the school district. Nashoba Tech staff prepare meals which are distributed at the entrance of the school from 11 a.m. to 12 noon on the scheduled days. Meals must be pre-ordered up until 9 p.m. the day before by completing the form available at https://bit.ly/32nVHq4 The Seamless Summer Option program schedule: Beginning July 2, 2020 Multi-day meals will be provided on Mondays and Thursdays beginning on July 2nd. We will provide: 6 meals on Mondays (3 breakfasts and 3 lunches) and 8 meals on Thursdays (4 breakfasts and 4 lunches). For more information email jbaldwin@nashobatech.net or call 978-692-4711 ext.11175.