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Elizabeth Monteiro
English/Special Education
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 12207
William Murphy
Electrical Instructor
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 14127
Robert Musto
School Resource Officer
School Resource Office
978-692-4711 ext. 11203
Linda Nicastro
978-692-4711 ext. 11000
Jennifer Noponen
Dean of Students
Leadership Team
978-692-4711 ext. 11213
Courtney Nugent
English/Special Education
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 11217
Jobee O'Sullivan
Director of Postsecondary, Continuing & Community Education
Leadership Team
Christine Patenaude
Early Childhood Instructor
978-692-4711 ext. 18304/978-692-6036
Kayleigh Pearson
Teaching Assistant (Vet Tech)
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 16138
Bonnie Peletier
Math/Special Education
Special Education
978-692-4711 ext. 17216
Erin Petersen
Special Education
Rebekah Pfeil
Special Education Coordinator
978-692-4711 x11126
Dan Phelps
Public Relations
Public Relations
978-692-4711 ext. 14119
Donald Phillips
English Instructor
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 11202
Denise Pigeon Ed.D.
Leadership Team
978-692-4711 ext. 11103
Kristen Pratt
English/Special Education
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 11220
Mark Quattrocchi
Math Instructor
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 12202
Carolyn Quinn
Science Instructor
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 17213
Richard Repucci
Engineering Instructor
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 17105
David Reynolds
Math Instructor
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 12206