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Theresa Ristaino
Health Assisting Instructor
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 11151
Donald Rober
Accounting Assistant
Business Office
978-692-4711 ext. 11110
Michael Robichaud
Assistant to Deans
Leadership Team
978-692-4711 ext.11216
Jeffrey Robinson
Science Instructor
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 17202
Derik Rochon
Design & Visual Communications Instructor
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 12119
Dawn Russo
Case Manager
Special Education
978-692-4711 ext. 12111
Chris Ryan
Plumbing Instructor
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 16120
Jeffrey Scheminger
Technical Director
Leadership Team
978-692-4711 ext. 11001
Michelle Shepard
Business Manager
978-692-4711 ext. 11174
Nathan Siefert
Auto Colllision Repair & Refinishing Instructor
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 16127
Mary Silk
Math Instructor
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 17217
Jeremy Slotnick
Leadership Team
978-692-4711 ext. 11104
Emily Smith
Theatre Arts Instructor
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 15114
Aaron Spencer
Guidance Counselor
Student Services
978-692-4711 ext. 11119
Brianna Starr
Paraprofessional/Special Ed
Special Education
Alicia Spinney
Cosmetology Instructor
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 16143
Patricia Stack
Chemistry Instructor
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 17215
Amy St. Arnaud
Spanish Instructor
978-692-4711 ext. 17112
Eric Stevenson
TV & Media Production Instructor
Technical Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 15122
Bruce Sullivan
English Instructor
Academic Instructors
978-692-4711 ext. 12205