Vincenzo Arena of Westford (pictured) and Damion Carey of Chelmsford are May’s Students of the Month at Nashoba Tech, based on the school’s Portrait of a Graduate traits of responsible, respectful, resilient, resourceful and ready.
Vincenzo Arena, son of Richard and Lori Arena, is a freshman in the Culinary Arts program. He is an honor-roll student. He is on the cross-country team and one day hopes to own a restaurant.
Vincenzo was nominated by Social Studies teacher Ryan Legner, who wrote: “Vincenzo always pays attention during class and follows the school rules. His work is done before the due date. He participates in class, is respectful and, simply put, he is a good person.”
Damion Carey, son of Wade and Crystal Carey, is a junior in the Plumbing & Heating program. He competes for the football, indoor track and spring track teams. He plans to enter the plumbing field upon graduation.
Damion was nominated by Speech Therapist Jennifer Butland, who wrote: “Damion is a respectful and polite student. He does not hesitate to do the right thing and goes above and beyond to support the NT community. His responsibility and resourcefulness should be admired by his peers. He is a wonderful asset to our school.”